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Fall Foliage

Photo of Nacogdoches Garden in the fall with vibrant reds, oranges, yellows and greens

Photo by Paul Bellinger

When is the best time to visit?

Photo of the trails at the Ruby Mize Azalea Garden in Nacogdoches featuring red, orange, and yellow leaves during the Fall season

Photo taken 12/1/2023

Nacogdoches is home to spectacular fall color, but we have to wait a bit longer than our northern neighbors. We typically begin to see changes after our first frost, which has not yet happened this year.
We have started to see some color, but we expect peak to happen toward the end of November, early December this year! Just in time for the Nine Flags Christmas Parade on December 2nd.
We will continue to update this page, so check back often! You can also call the Visitor Center at 936-564-7351 or email for real-time updates.

11/3/2023 Update: We are seeing small amounts of color. We are not sure if we'll get a "show" this year due to the drought over the summer, but we are holding out hope!

11/20/2023 Update: Although we have not yet had our first freeze, we are starting to see more color. We anticipate "peak" to be the first weekend in December.

12/1/2023 Update: After a few chilly days, we are finally starting to see beautiful fall color! NOW is a great time to visit! Our friends at SFA Gardens expect the color to last a couple weeks with no freezes in the current forecast. Plan your stay soon!

Best spots to see Fall Foliage in Nacogdoches:

  • Ruby Mize Azalea Garden: The garden is known for it's beautiful Azalea blooms in the Spring, but also for the variety of Japanese Maple Trees and other flora that turn in the Fall.
  • Plaza Principal, Downtown Nacogdoches (Shopping, Dining, Wine Tasting and more!)
  • Texas Highway 21, also known as the historic El Camino Real has stunning Autumn views
  • Ag Pond on the Stephen F. Austin State University Campus
  • Millard's Crossing Historic Village
  • Lanana Creek Trail - Creek lined trail with beautiful trees and historic markers

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